The Government of Puducherry, vide Notification No. 4654/CIF &B/B5/2022, mandated online filing of applications for obtaining and renewing licenses under the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 (CLRA Act), by factories located in Puducherry, Mahe and Yanam regions. Please refer to the notification for more details
Enforcement of provisions of esi act in the ferozepur district of Punjab
The Government of India, vide Notification S.O. 181(E), implemented the provisions towards Chapter IV (Contribution), Chapter V (Benefits), and Chapter VI (Adjudication of Disputes and Claims) of the Employees State Insurance Act, 1948 (ESI Act), effective from 1st February 2023, in all the areas of Ferozepur district of in the State of Punjab. Please refer to the notification for more details
Professional tax registration services through single window silpasathi portal in west Bengal
The Government of West Bengal, vide Notification No 10-F.T, mandated all applications for registrations under the West Bengal State Tax on Professions, Trades, Callings and Employments Act, 1979, to be made through the State Single Window Silpasathi Portal (, with effect from 1st January 2023. Please refer to the notification for details
Jammu and Kashmir union territory list of holiday 2023
The Lieutenant Governor of Jammu & Kashmir, vide Notification No. 1596-JK(GAD) of 2022, declared the List of General Holidays in the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir for the calendar year 2023. Please refer to the notification for more details
The Andaman And Nicobar Minimum Wage Notification (Jan 2023)
The Administrator of Andaman and Nicobar Island, vide Notification F.NO 16/1/MW/2019-20/LC&DET/1314, declared the minimum rate of wages in the Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Island with effect from 1st January 2023. Please refer to the notification for more details
Introduction Of Unified Portal For Principal Employers To Check EPF Compliances
EPFO, vide Circular No, F.No. Addl.LC /LAB /EPFO /2022 / 7556-7558, released an advisory to all the principal Employers requiring them to login and regularly check the EPF compliances in respect of their contractors and their contract workers through the unified portal i.e.,, launched by the Employee's Provident Fund Organization. Please refer to the notification for more details
Exemption Under The Himachal Pradesh Shops And Commercial Establishment Act, 1969
The Government of Himachal Pradesh, vide Notification No. Shram (A)4-4/2017, exempted all shops and establishments from the operation of Section 8 (Intervals for meals or rest), Section 9 (Opening and Closing hours), and Section 10 (Close day) under the Himachal Pradesh Shops and Commercial Establishment Act, 1969. The exemption is effective from 28th December 2022 till 2nd January 2023. Please refer to the notification for more details
Grant Of Holiday On Account Of General Election In Haryana
The Government of Haryana vide Notification No. Elec-2022/IR-II/PSCE/Hol/16862 declared holiday on the 19th of June 2022, on account of the General Election, for all Shops and Establishments situated within the respective Municipal Committees and Municipal Councils. Please refer to the notification for more details
Declaration Of Paid Holiday On Account Of Bye-Election In West Bengal
The Government of West Bengal vide notification No. Labr/350/(LC-IR)/IR/7S-06/17 has declared paid holiday on 12th April 2022 (Tuesday) for the employees who are working in an industrial undertaking or any other establishments on account of bye election at 40-Asansol Parliamentary Constituency and 161-Ballygunge assembly constituency. Therefore, employers of any business, trade, industrial undertaking or any other establishments of the areas under the said Assembly Constituency shall grant paid holiday on the day of Poll to their workmen who are entitled to cast vote in the election under the Representation of Peoples Act, 1951. Please refer to the notification for more details