The Government of Karnataka, vide Notification No. FD 06 CPT 2023, extended the due date for filing the statement under Section 6-A and for payment of amount of tax under Section 10 of the Karnataka Tax on Professions, Trades, Callings and Employments Act, 1976, till 31st May 2023 for the financial year 2023-2024. Please refer to the notification for more details
Amendment Under The Andhra Pradesh Labour Welfare Fund Rules, 1988
The Government of Andhra Pradesh vide notification no. G.O.Ms.No.3, amended the penal provisions including addition of procedures on appointment of authorities and appeal for fines. Please refer to the notification for more details
Implementation Of Provisions Under The Code on Social Security, 2020
The Government of India, vide Notification No. S.O. 2060 (E), implemented the various provisions in relation to The Employees Pension Scheme, 1995 under The Code on Social Security, 2020. Please refer to the notifications for more details.
Extension Of Medical Benefits Under The Employees’ State Insurance In The Gandhinagar District Of Gujarat
The Government of India, vide Notification No. N-17011/1/Gujarat/2023-P&D, extended medical benefits, provided under Regulation 95-A of the Employees State Insurance (General) Regulations, 1950, to the families of all insured persons in the entire area of Gandhinagar district in the State of Gujarat, with effect from 01 April 2023.Please refer to the notification for more details
Extension Of Medical Benefits Under The Employees’ State Insurance In The Valsad District Of Gujarat
The Government of India, vide Notification No. N-17011/1/Gujarat/2023-P&D, extended medical benefits, provided under Regulation 95-A of the Employees State Insurance (General) Regulations, 1950, to the families of all insured persons in the entire area of Valsad district in the State of Gujarat, with effect from 01 April 2023.Please refer to the notification for more details
EPFO Circular On Deleting And Resubmitting Application For Validation Of Option Or Joint Option
The Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO), vide Circular No. Pension/POHW/2023/69114/615, introduced the facility to delete an application made for validation of Option/Joint Option. Please refer to the circular for more details
Extension of Due Date For Filing Professional Tax Returns in West Bengal
The Government of West Bengal, vide Order No. 49/CT/PRO, extended the last date of filing the return in Form III under the West Bengal State Tax on Professions, Trades, Callings and Employments Act, 1979, till 31st May 2023 for electronic filing and 7th June 2023 for furnishing the return in paper form. Please refer to the order for more details
The Government of Haryana, vide Notification No. IR- 2/2023/9838-9968, released the variable dearness allowance towards Minimum Wages effective from 1st January 2023. Please refer to the notification for more details
Declaration Of Paid Holiday In Himachal Pradesh On Account Of Bye-Election In Jalandhar
The Government of Himachal Pradesh, vide Notification No. 1-18/85(Fac) Lab-Vol-II, declared paid holiday on 10th May 2023, for eligible employees employed in factories, industrial establishments, shops and commercial establishments, on account of bye election in 04-Jalanddhar (SC) Parliamentary Constituency of Punjab. Please refer to the notification for more details
Declaration Of Paid Holiday In Himachal Pradesh On Account Of Election In Shimla And Palampur
The Government of Himachal Pradesh, vide Notification No. 1-18/85(Fac) Lab-Vol-II, declared paid holiday on 2nd May 2023, for eligible employees employed in factories, industrial establishments and commercial establishments, on account of municipal corporation election in Shimla and bye-election in Ward No. 2, Palampur Upperla of Municipal Corporation Palampur. Please refer to the notification for more details
Enforcement Of Provisions Of ESI Act In Kavaratti, Agatti and Minicoy Islands of Lakshadweep
The Government of India, vide Notification S.O. 1875(E), implemented the provisions towards Chapter IV (Contribution), Chapter V (Benefits), and Chapter VI (Adjudication of Disputes and Claims) of The Employees State Insurance Act, 1948 (ESI Act) effective from 1st May 2023, in Kavaratti, Agatti and Minicoy Islands of Lakshadweep. Please refer to the notification for more details
EPFO Circular On Application For Validation Of Application Forms And Joint Option Forms
The Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO), vide Circular No. Pension/Supreme Court/Judgement/HPM/2022/405, deployed an online facility for receiving the application forms and joint option forms received from employers, till 3rd May 2023. Please refer to the notifications for more details
Guidelines On Preparatory Action For Heat Waves In Haryana
The Government of Haryana, vide notification No.1551-1750, directed occupier, employers, construction companies, and industries to take the preparatory actions specified in the notification to mitigate the adverse effects of heat waves. Please refer to the notification for more details
The Government of Delhi, vide Notification F. No.(142)/02/MW/VIII/Part file/429-443, revised minimum wages including variable dearness allowance, effective from 1st April 2023. Please refer to the notification for more details
The Government of Goa, vide Notification No. 7/11/2019-LA, amended various provisions including the penal provisions under the Factories Act, 1948, as in force in the State of Goa. Please refer to the notifications for more details