The Government of Rajasthan vide No. F.14(13)(8) Labour/Law/91, declared 17th September 2023 as paid holiday for workers employed under shops and establishments. Please refer to the notifications for more details.
Extension of Time Limit For Atal Beemit Vyakti Kalyan Yojana
ESIC Vide Circular No. (N-12011/01/2023-P&D) extended the Atal Beemit Vyakti Kalyan Yojana for a period from 01.07.2022 to 30.06.2024 with improvements in rate of relief and eligibility conditions. Please refer to the notification for more details.
Draft On The Maharashtra State Rights Of Persons With Disabilities Rules, 2023
The Government of Maharashtra vide notification No.Divyang-2017/C.R.5/D.K.2, released draft on The Maharashtra State Rights Of Persons With Disabilities Rules, 2023. Please refer to the notification for more details.
Revision Of Minimum Wages For Electronic Equipments, Home Appliance And Operation Of Software System Industry Sector in Kerala
The Government of Kerala vide notification no.G.O. (P) No.73/2023/LBR, revises the minimum rates of wages payable to the employees employed in the Electronic Equipments, Home appliance and operation of Software System Industry sector. Please refer to the notification for more details.
Correction To The Minimum Wages Notification In Tamil Nadu
The Government of Tamil Nadu vide notification No. TN/CCN/467/2012-14, corrected various schedule of employment. Please refer to the notification for more details.
Declaration Of Holiday Date Revision On Occasion Of Chehlum In Bihar
The Government of Bihar vide notification no. 01/2022/16819, declared holiday for Chehlum on 07th September 2023 (Thursday) instead of 06th September 2023 (Wednesday). Please refer to the notification for more details.
Extension Of ESIC Scheme On Casual And Contractual Workers Of Municipal bodies In Maharashtra
ESIC vide notification no. P-11018/1/2021, extended the ESIC Scheme to casual or contractual workers of Municipal Corporation or Municipal Bodies with effect from 01st August 2023. Please refer to the notification for more details
Draft On The Ladakh Rights Of Persons With Disabilities Rules, 2023
The Administrator of Ladakh vide notification no. File No: A/11/2021-S&TW SEC, released draft rules on The Ladakh Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rules, 2023 and rules shall be taken into consideration after the expiry of a period of thirty days from the date on which the notification made available to the public. Please refer to the notification for more details.
The Haryana Minimum Wages Notification (July 2023)
The Government of Haryana vide Notification IR- 2/2023/22979-23109, released the variable dearness allowance towards Minimum Wages effective from 1st July 2023. Please refer to the notification for more details.
Introduction Of National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme-2
The Government of India vide notification no. MSDE-5/01/2022-AP, introduced National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme-2 to support partial stipend for apprentices including other objectives. Please refer to the notification for more details.
Circular On Notified And Non-Notified Districts Under ESIC
ESIC vide circular No. N-15015/1/2023-P&D and continuation of previous circular dated 06th April 2023, declared notified and non notified districts of a state under ESI scheme. Please refer to the circular for more details.
Declaration Of Public Holiday For G-20 Summit In Delhi
The Administrator of Delhi vide notification no. F. No. 53/634/CN/GAD/2023/dsgadiii/1802, declared public holiday on 8th September, 9th September and 10th September for all shops, commercial and business establishments, including various organisation in account of G-20 Summit planned to be held in NCT of Delhi. Please refer to the notification for more details.
Circular On Standard Operating Procedure For Joint Declarations Under EPFO
The Government of India vide notification No.WSU/2022/Rationalisation of work areas/Joint Declaration (E-54018), prescribed the standard operating procedure (SOP) for filing joint declarations. Please refer to the circular for more details.
The Revision Of Basic Wages For All Schedules Of Employment In Daman And Diu (April 2023)
The Government of Daman And Diu vide notification No.LE/LI/DMN/MWA-3(II)/2023/349, revised basic wages for various schedules of employment in Daman And Diu
The Revision Of Basic Wages For All Schedules Of Employment In Dadra And Nagar Haveli (April 2023)
The Government of Dadra And Nagar Haveli vide notification No.LE/LI/DMN/MWA-3(II)/2023/349, revised basic wages for various schedules of employment in Dadra And Nagar Haveli