The Government of Goa vide notification No. 37/1/2023-GAD-III/3993 has released the General List of Holidays for the year 2024, Please refer to the notification for more details.
The Delhi Minimum Wages Notification (October 2023)
The Government of NCT Delhi vide notification F.No.(142)/02/MW/VII/Part file/5206-5224,released the Minimum Wages effective from 1st October 2023. Please notification for more details.
Notification on Various Welfare Schemes and benefits to the beneficiaries under Delhi BOCW Board
The Government of NCT Delhi, Labour Department vide notification F.No.17(1212)/DBOCWWB/22/5153-5163 announced various welfare schemes for the registered beneficiaries w.e.f 20th October 2023. Please notification for more details.
Change In Holiday On Account Of Vijayadasami/Dussehra for all Shop and Establishments and Factories In State Of Telangana
The Government of Telangana, vide Notification changed the general holiday for Vijaya Dasami festival on 23rd October 2023 (Monday) Instead of 24th Oct 2023 (Tuesday) and for the following day of Vijaya Dasami on 24th October 2023 (Tuesday) instead of 25th October 2023 (Wednesday). For Factories 23rd October 2023 (Monday) and for Shops and Establishment 24th October 2023 (Tuesday). Please refer to the notification for more details.
Amendment notification under the Tamil Nadu Safety Officers (Duties, Qualifications and Conditions of Service) Rules, 2005
The Government of Tamil Nadu issued vide notification G .O. Ms. No. 150,No. SRO A-33/2023 issued amendments under the Tamil Nadu Safety Officers (Duties, Qualifications and Conditions of Service) Rules, 2005. Please refer attachment for more details.
The Lieutenant Governor of National Capital Territory of Delhi, vide Notification No.F.53/627/GAD/CN/2023/2259-2305, declared the List of Public Holidays in the Union Territory of Delhi for the year 2024. Please refer to the notification for more details.
The Kerala Minimum Wages CPI Notification (August 2023)
The Government of Kerala, Labour and Skills (E) Department has revised the variable dearness allowance for employment in Shops and Commercial Establishment and employment in Computer Software Sector. As per the Notification No.DES/1036/2023-P3(1) The Consumer Price Index (Cost of Living Index) Numbers applicable to employees in employment under the Minimum Wages Act (Central Act XI of 1948) for the month of August 2023 as ascertained by the Director General of Economics & Statistics under clause (C) of Section 2 of the Act. Please refer press release for more details.
Clarification notification on Kerala Public Holidays 2024
The Government of Kerala vide notification G.O.(P) No. 25/2023/GAD has released clarification on the list of Public Holidays in Kerala for the Calendar year 2024 AD was published as Notification G. O. (P) No. 23/2023/GAD & G. O. (P) No. 24/2023/GAD dated 4-10-2023 in the Kerala Gazette Extraordinary No. 3253 & 3254 dated 5-10-2023. It is further clarified that the aforesaid holidays will also be applicable to the Institutions coming under Labour law, Industrial Disputes Act, Shops and Commercial Establishment Act, Minimum Wages Act etc., will be governed by the Kerala Industrial Establishment (National and Festival Holidays) Act, 1958, Please refer notification for more details.
Declaration of holiday on occasion of State Legislative assembly elections in Rajasthan
The Government of Rajasthan vide notification Number :P.16(1) V.M.2023 declared the holiday on occasion of state legislative assembly elections on 25th November 2023. Please refer notifications for more details.
The Government of Punjab, vide Notification No. ST/12027, adjusted and revised the minimum wages with effect from 01st September 2023 in the State of Punjab. Please refer to the notification for more details
Enforcement Of Provisions Of ESI Act In Lalitpur, Kushinagar, Kaushambi, Budaun, Sultanpur, Deoria, Ballia, Jaunpur, Azamgarh, Baghpat, Chitrakoot, Sambhal and Ayodhya districts of Uttar Pradesh.
The Government of India, vide Notification S.O.4498(E) implemented the provisions towards Chapter IV (Contribution), Chapter V (Benefits), and Chapter VI (Adjudication of Disputes and Claims) of the Employees State Insurance Act, 1948 (ESI Act), effective from 1st day of November 2023, in the Lalitpur, Kushinagar, Kaushambi, Budaun, Sultanpur,Deoria, Ballia, Jaunpur, Azamgarh, Baghpat, Chitrakoot, Sambhal and Ayodhya districts of Uttar Pradesh. Please refer to the notification for more details.
Enforcement Of Provisions Of ESI Act In Nilgris district of Tamil Nadu
The Government of India, vide Notification S.O.4497(E) implemented the provisions towards Chapter IV (Contribution), Chapter V (Benefits), and Chapter VI (Adjudication of Disputes and Claims) of the Employees State Insurance Act, 1948 (ESI Act), effective from 1st day of November 2023, in the Nilgris of Tamil Nadu. Please refer to the notification for more details.
Instruction regarding enhancement of the limit for Non-claiming of Interest for delayed payment of contribution under ESIC
The Employees State Insurance Corporation has released instruction vide No. P-11/14/Pending legal Cases/2023-Rev.II on enhancement of the limit for Non-claiming of Interest for delayed payment of contribution. Please refer instruction for more details.
Draft notification under Tamil Nadu Shops and Establishments Rules, 1948.
The Government of Tamil Nadu issued vide draft notifcation No. SRO A-32(a)/2023, Draft notification under Tamil Nadu Shops and Establishments Rules, 1948. please refer attachments for further details.
SOP for Management and Regulation of EPF Exempted Establishments
The EPFO released Vide circular File No.E-III/10(116)2023/SOP-Managementand Regulation/107 on SOP for Management and Regulation of EPF Exempted Establishments. Please refer circular for more details.