The Government of Andhra Pradesh vide notification G.O Rt. No. 2319, has issued notification on list of holidays for the year 2024. Please refer notification for more details.
Mandating All Private Establishments to declare holiday on Occasion of General Assembly elections in State of Telangana
The General Administration(Elections)Department, Telangana vide notification Memo No. 5087/Elecc.A/A1/2023, has announced All Private Establishments/Organisations/IT Companies are mandated to declare holiday on occasion of General election on 30th November 2023. Please refer notification for more details.
The Government of Karnataka vide notification No. DPAR 16 HHL2023, has announced list of holidays for the year 2024. Please refer notification for more details.
Circular on transfer of accounts after the death of member for calculation of assurance benefit under EDLI Scheme, 1976
The EPFO released Vide circular No. Pension/EDLI matters/2023/2168, transfer of accounts after the death of member for calculation of assurance benefit under EDLI Scheme, 1976.Please refer circular for more details.
The Government of Tripura Vide notification No.F.22(74)-LAB/ENF/MW/SHOPS/2022/7534-44, has issued minimum wages for various industries w.e.f 01st October 2023. Please refer notification for more details.
Enforcement Of Certain Provisions Of ESI Act, In areas of Pudukottai district in the State of Tamil Nadu
The Government of India vide Notification No. S.O. 5035 (E ), has extended medical benefits in the areas of Pudukottai district in the State of Tamil Nadu w.e.f 01st December 2023. Please refer notification for more details.
Enforcement Of Certain Provisions Of ESI Act, In areas of Kandhamal district in the State of Odisha
The Government of India vide Notification No. S.O. 5036 (E ) , has extended medical benefits in the areas of Kandhamal district in the State of Odisha. w.e.f 01st December 2023. Please refer notification for more details.
Enforcement Of Certain Provisions Of ESI Act, In areas of Etah, Lakhimpur Khiri and Balrampur districts in the State of Uttar Pradesh
The Government of India vide Notification No. S.O. 5034 (E ), has extended medical benefits in the areas of Etah, Lakhimpur Khiri and Balrampur districts in the State of Uttar Pradesh w.e.f 01st December 2023. Please refer notification for more details.
Enforcement Of Certain Provisions Of ESI Act, In areas of Basti district in the State of Uttar Pradesh
The Government of India vide Notification No. S.O. 5033 (E ) has extended medical benefits in all the areas of Basti district, in the State of Uttar Pradesh w.e.f 01st December 2023. Please refer notification for more details.
National Festival holidays with wages for the calendar year 2024 to the employees working in all Shops and establishments
The Government of Andhra Pradesh vide notification Proc. No. C/1426[APSE]/2023, has issued the National Festival holidays with wages for the calendar year 2024 to the employees working in all Shops and establishments in certain areas of Andhra Pradesh. Please refer notification for more details.
The Government of Gujarat, vide Notification No.GS/27/2023/JSR/102023/930/GH, released General List of public holidays for the year 2024. Please refer to the notification for more details.
Declaration Of Paid Holiday on Occasion of General Assembly elections in State of Telangana
The Government of Telangana vide notification No. G.O Rt.No. 594, has announced paid holiday on occasion of general assembly election in state of Telangana on 30th November 2023. Please refer notification for more details.
Notification regarding creating awareness of various schemes available under Punjab Labour Welfare Board
The Government of Punjab vide notification No. PA/LC/194, has issued notification on creating awareness of various schemes available under Punjab Labour Welfare Board to beneficiaries. Please refer notification for more details.
Availing of medical services by the IPs and beneficiaries from any ESIC dispensary/hospitals across India
ESIC has issued vide circular No.U-13/14/ATR/ESIC/38/2021/01 (1076), regarding availing of medical services by the IPs and beneficiaries from any ESIC/ESIC dispensary/hospitals across India .Please refer circular for more details.