The Government of Punjab vide No.06/03/2023/2PP3/702, has issued notification on list of holidays for the year 2024. Please refer attachment for more details.
Declaration of Holiday Account of Election in Karanpur Legislative assembly – Rajasthan
The Government of Rajasthan vide Serial Number : P.16(1)V.M/2023, has issued notification on declaration of election holiday on 05th January 2024 in Karanpur Legislative assembly- Rajasthan. Please refer notification for more details.
FAQ for Implementation of Judgment of Supreme Court on Higher Pension
The Employees Provident Fund Organisation vide circular No.e-399180/2543, has issued FAQ for Implementation of Judgment of Supreme Court on Higher Pension, Please refer circular for more details.
The West Bengal Minimum Wages Notification (Jan 2024)
The Government of West Bengal vide notification No: 45/Stat/14/RW/24/2023/LCS/JLC, has released revision of minimum wages for 30 Scheduled employment w.e.f 01st January 2024. Please refer notification for more details.
Revised Kerala Minimum Wages Notification (Coir Industry)
The Government of Kerala vide notification S. R. O. No. 1329/2023, has released revised minimum wages for Coir industry sector w.e.f 12th December 2023. Please refer notification for more details.
The Government of Telangana vide Notification G.O. Rt. No. 1633,has issued list of holidays for the year 2024. Please refer notification for more details.
Notification on VDA payable according to the Engineering Wage Board recommendations
The Government of Rajasthan vide No. St/CPI/Eng. Wage Board/75/Pt./, has released notification regarding VDA payable according to the Engineering Wage Board recommendations. Please refer notification for more details.
Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory List Of Holiday, 2024
The Governmen of Jammu and Kashmir vide Order No. GAD-ADMOIII/123/2023-09-GAD,has issued list of holidays for the year 2024. Please refer order for more details.
The Government of Manipur vide notification No.LIB-101/1/2022-GAD-GAD , has issued list of holidays for the year 2024. Please refer to the notification for more details
The Kerala Minimum Wages CPI Notification (October 2023)
The Government of Kerala, Labour and Skills (E) Department has revised the variable dearness allowance for employment in Shops and Commercial Establishment and employment in Computer Software Sector. As per the Notification No.DES/1036/2023-P3(1) The Consumer Price Index (Cost of Living Index) Numbers applicable to employees in employment under the Minimum Wages Act (Central Act XI of 1948) for the month of October 2023 as ascertained by the Director General of Economics & Statistics under clause (C) of Section 2 of the Act. Please refer press release for more details.
Changes in ESIC Aadhar Seeding Application due to e-KYC changes by UIDAI
The Employees State Insurance Corporation vide No. P-11014/3/2022-Bft-II (Part-I), has issued circular on Changes in ESIC Aadhar Seeding Application due to e- KYC changes by UIDAI. Please refer circular for more details.
The Government of Assam vide Notification. No.E-238621/409-A, has released revision of Minimum wages for various scheduled employment w.e.f 01st June 2023. Please refer notification for more details. Note : (*Sourced this notification with authentic sources)
The Government of Uttar Pradesh vide Notification Section No.528/3-2023-39(2)/2016, has released list of holidays for the year 2024. Please refer notification for more details.
Declaration of Public holiday on 04/12/2023 for Chennai, Tiruvallur, Kancheepuram and Chengalpattu districts in lieu of Michaung Cyclone in Tamil Nadu
The Government of Tamil Nadu vide order G.O Ms. No. 751, has announced declaration of Public holiday on 04/12/2023 for Chennai, Tiruvallur, Kancheepuram and Chengalpattu districts in lieu of Michaung Cyclone in Tamil Nadu
The Maharashtra Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) (Amendment) Rules, 2023
The Government of Maharashtra issued vide notification RNI No. MAHBIL/2009/31747, on the Maharashtra Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) (Amendment) Rules, 2023. Please refer notification for more details.