The Government of Haryana Vide No.28/67/2008-1HR-I, has released Notification regarding list of holidays for the year 2025. Please refer notification for more details.
Press note regarding online payment of LWF contribution on or before 15th January 2025 in Karnataka
The Government of Karnataka Vide a press note has released Press note regarding online payment of Labour welfare fund contribution on or before 15th January 2025. Please refer press note for more details.
The Andaman And Nicobar Minimum Wage Notification (Jan 2025)
The Administratror of UT. Of Andaman and Nicobar Islands vide Order No.535, has released Order regarding revision of minimum wages for six scheduled employments with effect from 01st Dec 2025. Please rerfer order for more details.
The Government of Madhya Pradesh Vide No.357, has released Notification regarding list of holiday for the year 2025. Please refer notification for more details.
UAN activation and seeing Bank account with Aadhaar for availing the benefits under ELI scheme has been extended till 15th Jan 2025
The Employees Provident Fund Organisation vide No.ELI/UANActivation/2024, has issued Circular regarding UAN Activation and seeding Bank Account with Aadhaar for availing the benefits under the ELI Scheme extended up to 15th Jan2024. Please refer circular for more details.
Minimum wages notification for Paper Production industry in Kerala
The Government of Kerala Vide S. R. O. No. 1169/2024, has released Notification regarding revision of minimum wages for paper production industry . Please refer notification for more details.
The Government of Uttar Pradesh Vide No. 870/Date-2024-39(2)/2016, has released Notification regarding list of holidays for the year 2025(Hindi Version). Please refer notificiaton for more details.
Notification regarding revision of minimum rate of wages for various industries in Rajasthan
The Government of Rajasthan Vide No. F.8(5)(6 ) New.M.Adv/Labour/I.R/2000/Part/00212, has released Notification regarding revision of minimum wages for scheduled employments. Please refer notification for more details.
Delhi Labour Department issued advisory to all employers about illegal migrant workers from Bangladesh
The Government of NCT Delhi Vide F.No.15(11)/Lab/2019/4889-4892, has released Advisory to all employers about illegal migrant workers from Bangladesh. Please refer advisory for more details.
Notification regarding revision of minimum rate of wages for various industries in Rajasthan
The Government of Rajasthan Vide No. F.8(5)(6 ) New.M.Adv/Labour/I.R/2000/Part/00212, has released Notification regarding revision of minimum wages for scheduled employments. Please refer notification for more details.
Notice and checklist under POSH Act for all Govt. & Non. Govt. Organisations, Companies, Hospitals, Schools in Gurugram
The Office of the Additional District Commissioner, Gurugram vide D. O No. 181,182, has issued . Notice and checklist regarding submission of Annual Report for all Govt. & Non. Govt. Organisations, Companies, Hospitals, Schools in Gurugram under POSH Act, 2013. Please refer notice for more details.
Circular on user manual for implementation of provision to bulk Aadhaar seeding of ESIC beneficiaries through employer portal
"The Employees State Insurance Corporation Vide No. N-16016/1/2023-Bft-II, has issued circular on Forwarding of user manual for implementation of provision to bulk Aadhaar seeding of ESIC beneficiaries through employer Portal"
The Government of Assam Vide No.E-221561/347, has released Notification regarding list of holidays FY 2025. Please refer notification for more details.
The Government of Andhra Pradesh Vide No.1032, No.1033, has released Notification regarding declaration of holiday for the year 2025. Please refer notification for more details.
Declaration of Paid Holiday in Goa Due to Bye Election in North Goa District
The Government of Goa Vide No. 2/1/2017-GAD-III/4742, has issued notification regarding declaration of Paid Holiday in Goa Due to Bye Election in North Goa District on 8th december 2024. please refer notification for more details.