The Government of Maharashtra, Mumbai and Thane District Security Guard Board, released the revised basic rates of wages including variable dearness allowance effective from 1st Jan 2024. Please refer to the notification for more details.
The Uttarakhand Minimum Wages Notification (Jan 2024) (Engineering Industry)
The Government of Uttarakhand vide No. 301/4-01/07, has released minimum wages for Engineering Industry with effect from 01 February 2024. Please refer notification for more details.
The Government of Maharashtra, Pune District Security Guard Board, released the revised basic rates of wages including variable dearness allowance effective from 1st Jan 2024. Please refer to the notification for more details.
Aadhaar Authentication for Availing Mukhyamantri Bhagyalaxmi Bond Scheme to registered Building and Other Constructions workers and their beneficiaries
The Government of Gujarat vide No.GR/2024/22/CWA/132016/643493/M3, has announced Aadhaar Authentication for Availing Mukhyamantri Bhagyalaxmi Bond Scheme to registered Building and Other Constructions workers and their beneficiaries. Please refer the notification for more details.
Aadhaar Authentication for Availing Special Coaching class Scheme to registered Building and Other Constructions workers and their beneficiaries
The Government of Gujarat vide No.GR/2024/21/CWA/132016/643493/M3, has announced Aadhaar Authentication for Availing Special Coaching class Scheme to registered Building and Other Constructions workers and their beneficiaries. Please refer notification for more details.
Aadhaar Authentication for Educational Assistance Scheme to registered Building and Other Constructions workers and their beneficiaries
The Government of Gujarat vide No.GR/2024/20/CWA/132016/643493/M3, has announced Aadhaar Authentication for Educational Assistance Scheme to registered Building and Other Constructions workers and their beneficiaries. Please refer notification for more details.
Postponement of holiday on account of Shab-i-Miraj on 08th February 2024 in state of Jammu and Kashmir
The Government of Jammu and Kashmir vide Government Order No.577-JK (GAD) of 2024, has announced the Postponement of holiday on account of Shab-i-Miraj on 08th February 2024 Thursday. Please refer order for more details.
The Ladakh Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rules, 2024
The Administration of Union territory of Ladakh vide File No: A/11/2021-S&TW SEC, has issued notification of the Ladakh Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rules, 2024 with effect from 05th February 2024. Please refer notification for more details.
The Maharashtra Minimum Wages VDA Notification (Jan 2024)
The Government of Maharashtra Vide No. G.V/K.V.A/V.B/2024(1)/Work-10, has released revised Minimum wages with effect from 01st January 2024,Please refer notification for more details.
Circular regarding issuing of e-Pehchan Card to all IPs after Registration under ESI
The Employees State Insurance Corporation Vide No.I-11012/8/2021-ICT, has issued Circular regarding issuing of e-Pehchan Card to all IPs after Registration under ESI. Please refer circular for more details.
Enhancement in rate of Permanent Disablement Benefit / Dependent’s Benefit under Employees State Insurance Act, 1948
The Employees State Insurance Corporation vide No. R-12/16/9/2022-Policy-BFT-II, has issued notification on Enhancement in Rate of Permanent Disablement Benefit / Dependant Benefit under Employees State Insurance Act, 1948 w.e.f 01st August 2022. Please refer notification for more details.
Bill notification of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Amendment Act, 2024
The Government of India(Rajya Sabha) vide BILL NO. I OF 2024, has issued Bill notification of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Amendment Act, 2024. please refer bill notification for more details.
Order regarding appointment of Authorities under the Employees Compensation Act, 1923 in State of Haryana
The Government of Haryana vide order No. 3006 Lab, The Governor of Haryana hereby appoints all the Deputy Labour Commissioners, Assistant Labour Commissioners and Welfare Officers (W) having educational qualifications and experience as prescribed in the said provision to be the Commissioners for the purpose Employees Compensation Act, 1923 within the State of Haryana wherever they may be deputed, please refer order for more details.
Order regarding appointment of Authorities under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 in State of Haryana
The Government of Haryana vide order No 3096 Lab, The Governor of Haryana hereby appoints all the Deputy Labour Commissioners, Assistant Labour Commissioners and Welfare Officers (W) to be Authority to hear and decide all claims arising out of payment of less than the minimum rates of wages or in respect of the payment of remuneration for days of rest or for work done on such days under clause (b) or clause (c) of sub-section 1 of Section 13 or of wages at the over-time rate under section 14 to employees employed or paid in that area, including all matters incidental to such claims, within the State of Haryana wherever they may be deputed. Please refer order for more details.
Order regarding appointment of Authorities under the Payment of Wages Act, 1936 in State of Haryana
The Government of Haryana vide order No. 3051 Lab, The Governor of Haryana hereby appoints all the Deputy Labour Commissioners, Assistant Labour Commissioners and Welfare Officers (W) to be Authority to hear and decide all claims arising out of deductions from Wages, or delay in payment of wages, of persons employed or paid in that area, including all matters incident to such claims, within the State of Haryana wherever they may be deputed. Please refer order for more details.