The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, popularly known as POSH, is a crucial piece of legislation in India aimed at creating a safe and respectful work environment for women. Compliance with POSH is not just a legal obligation but a moral responsibility. This article outlines a step-by-step guide for organizations to achieve POSH compliance.  

Understanding the POSH Act 

The first step towards compliance is to thoroughly understand the POSH Act. Familiarize yourself with its provisions, definitions, and penalties. This understanding will help you identify the areas where your organization needs to improve. 

Formulating a Comprehensive POSH Policy 

A robust POSH policy is the cornerstone of compliance. The policy should clearly define sexual harassment, outline the organization’s commitment to preventing and addressing such incidents, and detail the procedures for filing and investigating complaints. It should also cover preventive measures, remedial actions, and confidentiality.    

Constituting an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) 

The ICC is the heart of the POSH compliance mechanism. It should comprise individuals with a good reputation and sensitivity towards issues of women. At least half of the committee members should be women, and one of them should be from a non-governmental organization or an association committed to the cause of women.    

Sensitization and Awareness Programs 

Regular training and awareness programs are essential to create a culture of respect and equality. These programs should cover the definition of sexual harassment, the organization’s POSH policy, the role of the ICC, and the complaint redressal process. It is crucial to involve all employees, including management.    

Display of Posters and Notices 

POSH posters and notices should be prominently displayed in the workplace. These should contain information about the ICC, the complaint redressal process, and the organization’s commitment to preventing sexual harassment.    

Confidential Complaint Box 

An accessible and confidential complaint box should be available to employees. This provides an alternative channel for reporting incidents without fear of retaliation. 

Regular Audits and Reviews 

Periodic reviews of the POSH policy and its implementation are essential to identify gaps and areas for improvement. This also helps in ensuring that the organization is up-to-date with the latest legal requirements. 

Timely and Impartial Investigations 

When a complaint is filed, it is crucial to conduct a prompt and impartial investigation. The ICC should follow due process, protect the complainant’s identity, and take appropriate action based on the findings.    

Remedial Actions 

If a complaint is substantiated, the organization must take appropriate remedial action against the accused. This could include disciplinary action, counseling, or termination of employment. 

Annual Report 

Organizations are required to submit an annual report to the appropriate government authority detailing the steps taken to prevent and redress sexual harassment.    


Achieving POSH compliance is a continuous process that requires commitment from the top management. It is not merely a legal requirement but a reflection of the organization’s values and culture. By following these steps, organizations can create a safe and respectful workplace for all employees. 

Every organization has a responsibility to provide a secure and empowering environment for its employees. Don’t wait for an incident to occur. Take proactive steps to become POSH compliant. Contact Comply 360° today for comprehensive POSH compliance solutions. 

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